Our 2016 started very early as we walked the Rose Parade route in frigid (to us!) temperatures. We’re always amazed at all the people that spend the night on the sidewalk. We’re thankful that we live 2 blocks away!
We enjoyed seeing all the floats that Ginger decorated and all four of them won an award!
Donate Life Float (and our street sign). Winner of the Isabella Coleman Trophy – best color harmony. Good thing we found those 2 boxes of flowers that were lost!Look at the moss under the castle and behind the PBS sign! I guess all that glue on our hands was worth it! Queen’s Trophy Award!Check out those claws we made from orange and grapefruit skins. We cut a lot of them! Singpoli Group with the Sweepstakes Trophy, “most beautiful entry in the parade with outstanding floral presentation and design.”The LA Laker float won the Judges’ Special Trophy. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Paula Abdul were on this float.