In Memory of Ginger’s mother, Gayle Griffin, who went to be with the Lord on January 28, 1998, we are strong supporters of breast cancer awareness programs.
Ginger periodically blogs about her journey through the grieving process at The Sparrow Still Falls.
January 28, 2021

May 10, 2020
I miss Mom more than ever this year. Life and people sure can be cruel. I’m also sad that I’m running out of photos of us together.
BUT I’m so thankful that I have a HOPE that is beyond this world and that I’m loved with an Everlasting LOVE. I’m resting in that today.
#ChooseJoy #1970 #NewOrleans #FamilyPortrait #Stylin’
January 28, 2020
Here it is again, y’all. My annual reminder to hug your mom and tell her you love her and appreciate all the sacrifices she made for you. 22 years today without mine, and I’d give anything to do that today! So if yours is still here, please reach out to her today for me. And if yours is also gone, reach out to someone else who means the world to you. Life is hard. Show someone you care. 💕
**This photo – We were in Gulf Shores at my grandparent’s playing putt-putt. Mom saw this rhino and decided it was a great photo opp, and as was typical with most anything she encountered in life, she sang about it. Of course she knew a song about rhinos!! 😃 (Mind you, this is WAY before any digital cameras, camera phones, or social media so this was not an Instagram moment. This was just MOM living in joy, enjoying moments together, being funny, singing a song, making us laugh, and me joining right in without any problem!)**
January 28, 2019
21 years without her
I could sit and listen to her play all day long. I’ve never known anyone who had her musical grace, God-given talent, and heart of worship. She could pick up ANY instrument and play it! I was in awe of that. I was privileged to learn from her, to sit beside her as she played, to sing countless duets with her, and to have her amazing music as the soundtrack of our daily lives. I’d give anything to hear her play today!
So, as always, here’s your reminder from me: If you still can, call your MOM today! Because one day you’ll wish you could!
January 28, 2018
On my annual personal retreat, in the same area as this childhood photo, remembering mom and our babies…20 years ago today mom left us for her perfect home in Heaven and our twins would have been 16 years old next week. My brother recently found and gave me one of mom’s Bibles. I brought it this weekend and when I opened it, found this! A very special hug from mom! We’ll never forget mom’s love, generosity, faithfulness to prayer, strong convictions, musical talent, laughter, and joy in small things. And I’ll never forget our children who brought us only joy all the days of their very short lives.
So once again, here’s your reminder to call your MOM and hug your KIDS! Don’t wait until it’s too late.💗
#missthemeveryday #gulfofmexico #childhoodmemories #20yearsseemslikeforever #andyetlikeyesterday #choosejoy #livefull
December 9, 2017
Today would have been my mother’s 80th birthday. And soon it will be 20 years since she left this painful world for her home in Heaven. It takes my breath away to type those numbers. I recently spent time at Disney World (over 20 yrs since my last visit) and it was unexpectedly nostalgic. I grew up going there with my family and so many of those memories came rushing back as I re-traced spots in this “magical” kingdom. Not long before, I re-discovered this photo from over 40 years ago, and it seemed like it was just yesterday. Thanks to my friend and colleague who helped me find the same spot for another photo. I’m so thankful that all the memories are still very fresh. I remember praying 20 years ago that I wouldn’t forget all the special little things about her that made her the most amazing woman and mother I’ve ever known! Happy Birthday, Mom. I feel sure you got a big party with singing, skits, dancing, and chocolate! 😘 #DisneyWorld #samewhitebench #quoteonwall #perfect
October 30, 2017
I haven’t posted much for Breast Cancer Awareness month because I post about it all year long (as it should be!) in memory of Mom💕. But in case you haven’t heard it yet this month: Women, don’t forget to do a self-exam and if you’re the appropriate age, go get your mammogram!!! I’m serious. Don’t wait! And men, you don’t get off easy…you NEED to remind the stubborn women in your life!!
🌸 #ihatecancer #beaware #thinkpink #inmemoryofmom #bigolehairandglasses #itwasthe80s!
October 15, 2017
I think about Joseph and Hope every single day. Mourning and grieving with so many others today. 💔 #October15 #TheSparrowStillFalls#AnticipatingHeaven
May 1, 2017
Mother’s Day 1986ish. I sure wish I had known then how little time I’d get with her. 🎀 #ihatecancer #missher #bestmom #80sstyle #bigpermedhair #bigglasses
January 28, 2017
Okay, everyone, this is your reminder to call your mom! Today it’s been 19 years since mine left this earth for her home in heaven and the world lost an amazing woman! I’d give anything for “one more” of everything! So if your mom is still alive, call her today and tell her you love her. One day you’ll wish you could. 💕
Photo: Mom and me right after she and Dad gave me a cocker spaniel puppy for my high school graduation. I love mom’s smile here! #makesmesmileeverytime #missher #everysingleday #sogladshewasmine
December 9, 2016
Today’s Advent Word: PROMISE. On today, Mom’s birthday, I’m so thankful for the promise that I will see her again one day. #adventword #promise #advent2016 #imissher #1991xmassweatshirts #bigglasses
July 15, 2016
No. It’s not October or Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But I’m sitting here at the Breast Center waiting on my annual mammogram. I’ve been getting them since I was 28 (way too early) when Mom died of breast cancer (way too early). I hate cancer. I hate what it does. I hate mammograms. BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT! Don’t put it off! Don’t forget! 🎀
May 8, 2016
I miss Mom so much…not just on this difficult day but every single day. 💗
In this photo you can’t see mom’s right hand because when we would hug like this, she’d reach through and tickle me. She’s got a mischievous look on her face and, of course, my mouth is wide open! #goodtimes #bestmom #hugeglasses #college
May 8, 2016
Today I remember again all of you who hate Mother’s Day…I KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE quietly hoping someone will acknowledge you and/or that the day would hurry up and be over. If you grieve the loss of your mother, if you would give anything to be a MOM and aren’t, if you have lost a child, if your mother died way too young, if your child is sick, if you’re a single mother (or father), if you’re a widowed father (or mother), if you were mistreated by your mom, if you have been rejected by your children, if you were abandoned by your mother, if your heart has been broken and this day is hard, I’m praying for you!
January 28, 2016
My view all day as I took a day off to retreat and remember mom…such a beautiful day. #sunshine#bluesky #thankful #missher #lotsofreading#lotsofpraying
January 28, 2016
This is your annual reminder to call your mom! Today it’s been 18 years since mine left this earth for a perfect life with her Savior. And every day since, I’ve wished I could call her! Although blur, this is one of my favorite photos of us because we’re laughing…we sure did that a lot! I’d give anything for a few more laughs with her. If you still can, call your mom and make her laugh today!
October 27, 2015
October 22, 2015
In 2015, it is estimated that among U.S. women there will be 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 40,290 breast cancer deaths. #BeAware #DontIgnoreTests #InMemoryofMom
October 18, 2015
Last night’s Ride for the Pink rodeo was amazing, as always. So much pink supporting a great competition for a wonderful cause. #BeAware #InMemoryofMom #FindACurePlease
October 7, 2015
1 in 8 women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. 1 in 8!!! Think about 8 of your friends and #BeAware #TellThemToBeAware #InMemoryofMom
October 1, 2015
It’s pink ribbon month – National Breast Cancer Awareness. #InMemoryofMom
October 1, 2015
It’s hard to believe that it was 17 years ago today that the world lost an amazing woman. I’d give anything for one more prayer, one more talk, one more phone call, one more vacation, one more event to plan together, one more song sung together, one more hug, one more laugh and on and on. If your mom is still here, please call her today! One day you’ll wish you could.
December 9, 2013
Happy Birthday to my Mom! I’m sure the birthday parties in Heaven are WAY better than here on earth. I miss her!
March 6, 2011
Race for the Cure . . . in Memory of MOM!! When I start to get tired, I think of all those years of pain she endured with a smile on her face, and I keep on running!