The path God chose for us has been, and in many ways continues to be a difficult journey. There were times when God felt far away, and there are lots of things we still don’t understand, but we know that God has always been actively working “behind the scenes,” as it were, much like in the Old Testament account of Joseph. As we look toward the future, it is with great hope that God will use the journey of our lives to bring glory to Himself. In order to remind ourselves of God’s goodness and to memorialize our twins we were never able to meet, we named them Joseph and Hope.
This page does not have an overwhelming amount of information, but it contains the resources that we are most often asked when we speak or counsel couples. If you have specific questions, we are more than happy to answer your emails! Ginger blogs (very) periodically about her journey at The Sparrow Still Falls.
February 10, 2020
If life had been different, our babies would be 18 years old today. (18!) I like to dream about what life would be like if they were still here. So here’s your annual reminder: Hug your kids today, take a minute to be truly grateful for them, embrace the chaos of toddlers, the busy-ness of teenagers, or the need for love and guidance they still need as adults. Many people would love to be in your place. 💗💙

February 24, 2018
We ran today for our kids. And I cried at the finish line.#inmemory #josephandhope #sweet16onFeb10 #5k #theraceshirtswereperfect #infertilitysupport #womenshealth #womenscare
February 10, 2016
THIS is great letter with perfect and heartbreaking insight on this day, what would have been our twins, Joseph and Hope’s 14th birthday. So much love to all our friends who have walked this same path.
“To lose a child is to lose the very heart and soul of you. It is overwhelmingly disorienting. It takes a long, long time to find yourself again. It takes a long time to grow new life around the chasm of such grave loss. It takes a long time to grow beauty from ashes.”
October 15, 2015
I didn’t know there was a special day for this because I think about our twins, Joseph and Hope, every single day. Mourning and grieving with so many others today. #October 15 #TheSparrowStillFalls #AnticipatingHeaven
October 15, 2015
February 10, 2015
Today would have been the 13th birthday of our two sweet babies, Joseph and Hope. Teenagers! Every day I miss them and the dreams of our life together. I feel quite sure that Mom is planning a big party with them in heaven.
February 10, 2012
Our twins, Joseph and Hope, would be 10 years old today. The amount of joy they brought to us in such a short time is amazing. I miss them every day.