The start of Lent always causes me to be extra reflective, but even more so as I grieve the loss of this amazing man from his wife, children, friends, colleagues, and this world. For 8 years, I talked to or emailed with Christian almost every other day. He was one of the bright lights from my very first day at Fuller. Then we worked closely together planning a candlelight vigil after a horrible tragedy struck our community. The time we spent together in those days questioning the horror of this world and the hope of ONE DAY were some memorable moments for me. I never imagined his ONE DAY would be as soon as this . . . at age 42 of a heart attack.
He ended every email to me “Peace my friend” and the last one ever “Peace and love to you my friend!” So please remember to LOVE your people! Live in His PEACE with your people! HUG your people! Life is short.
Many of you remember Christian. Please consider making a contribution to help his wife Erin as she navigates this loss with their two young children, Caroline and Tyler.