The temps here in the desert have been slowly getting up to the 90’s and will probably break past 100 soon. So we got up early yesterday morning before it got too hot, put the roof down on the car, and drove around the White Tank Mountains. The clouds were amazing as you can see. No filter on these pics!
We reflected on this past lenten season and all the reminders from each Sunday. (You can see those HERE.) We’re thankful that while we’re still in a season of waiting, of unknowns, and often of silence, we serve a risen Saviour who loves us, died for us, and continues to provide for us.
Ginger spent the lenten season going through the book “40 Days of Decrease”. The goal of the book is “a journey of holy decrease, to be duly awed by Christ’s resurrection by being duly available to daily crucifixion so that Christ’s sacrifice would be clearer and His resurrection dearer.”
It made the lenten season, the holy days, and today, Resurrection Sunday, ALL the more meaningful and powerful. We highly recommend it.