And it begins…first day of advent.
Life is filled with UNEXPECTED moments. So many circumstances we didn’t plan for or expect. Curve balls, painful stages, shocking revelations, and unfair seasons. Some days I’d give anything to go back before the unexpected. But just think…Mary didn’t expect to be pregnant before she was married. Joseph didn’t expect his chosen bride to be pregnant. Least of all with God’s son. The shepherds didn’t expect to see a multitude of angels on the hillside. The Israelites didn’t expect their long-awaited King to be born in a stable. And, in fact, very little of how He works in our lives is as we expect. In each and every UNEXPECTED moment, God has been there. In Mary’s and Joseph’s and the shepherds’ events, God made Himself known. And in each of my unexpected events, He’s done the same. In all of these unexpected moments, God’s advent has been alive and well. And that is a glorious thing!
So this Christmas, join me in celebrating the unexpectedness of God’s advent. I guarantee you that when we do that, we will find Him present. Loving us. Delivering us. And revealing Himself in ways we never imagined. It will help us reflect on the greatest story ever told and see how the unexpected, unplanned arrival of the newborn King changes everything.
#advent2019 #adventword #unexpected #xmascandle